Entity Information

The first step that an entity completes is inputting information about themselves and where they would like to carry out the regenerative activity.


Entity Name: TreesureTheWorld

Entity Online Presence: https://twitter.com/AkornMarket

Entity Members: Terexitarius

Signer Responsible for Carrying Out the Regenerative Action: Terexitarius- esignature

Where is the Entity Established: Globally

Bank Account Information: 0, 0

Proposed Action Location:

Regenerative Action Type: Forest

Metric of Action: Acres

Scale of Action: Can Conserve 200 Acres in Total

Amount of Action For Initial Project: 3.22 Acres

Cost of Action Per Metric: USD $50 Per Acre

Cost of Maintenance of Action Per Metric: USD $5 per Acre Per Year

Updates from the Field: Once per Year

Regenerative Action Title: Scatahotchie- 3.22 Acres Forest Preservation

Regenerative action description: We are conserving forest in the Scatahotchie Neighborhood to be used as a forested park space and species protection zone.

Timeline for implementing action: Trees already exist, funding will be used to make the forest more inviting and connecting the local population to it.

Proposed Measurement and Verification: We will use satellite imagery, geospatial imagery and IOT data collection techniques from Akorn DAOs existing methodology.

None of the Optional Questions Were Answered

Last updated