Mission, Vision, Values
Mission/Purpose - A statement of why the organization exists, at the most meaningful level. It is aspirational, in that it can never be fully achieved. In this way, the purpose states why the organization does the work it does, but does not define how that work is to be done.
Mission: To be part of a decentralized economy in which paying for green actions leads to fair, transparent, and enriching return on investment.
Vision - A clear, specific, compelling picture of what the organization will look like at a specific time in the future (one, two, or five years), including those few key metrics that define success. It defines key results achieved and yet to be accomplished, the expected impact to the clients, and it describes specific behaviors that the organization must display to be successful. A clear vision delimits potential strategies; it helps define what’s within or outside of the organization’s bounds.
General Vision: To enable every person in the world to receive funding for green (environmental/ sustainable) actions, create receipts of the donations to those actions (NFTs), and make those receipts worth something through channeling data into them.
In the short term, allow anyone with an internet connection to be part of a decentralized community that helps them to achieve financial independence and guides them on empowering others to live and act sustainably.
In the medium-term, we envision Akorn as one of the leading DAOs for measuring and verifying regenerative actions as well as the benefits from them. To achieve this, we will have DAO members be able to collectively manage a treasury to fulfill this mission. In doing so it should: Onboard new members to be active stakeholders in the DAO, fund projects that improve the theory, architecture, UX, and real-world adoption of items related to Akor,
In the long-term, Akorn DAO enables its members to collaboratively govern and own the platforms and organizations where they invest their attention and contribute to.
Values - The boundaries within which the organization will operate in pursuit of its vision. It is critical to distinguish between core values (those on which the organization will never compromise and is willing to pay a price to uphold) and aspirational values (those that the organization espouses, but has yet to live up to in day-to-day operations). To be meaningful, values must be described in clear behavioral terms..
Individual Member Values
1. Integrity: We expect our members to embody upright moral character both in the communities we inhabit and in our personal lives.
a. taking action against malicious actors, such as a stakeholder who tries to sell their voting power and on-chain bribery attacks.
2. Boldness - We are not afraid to fail. We take risks to test our ideas and assumptions.
3. Openness - We are welcoming, accepting, and supportive to our fellow humans. We value constructive criticism as this allows us to better ourselves.
4. Fun - We don’t take ourselves too seriously.
5. Collaboration Over Competition - We can do great things together.
6. Inclusivity - We are accepting of all backgrounds, disciplines, and cultures. We believe in diversity. We will never tolerate discrimination of any kind.
7. Value Life - We value the richness of the human experience and respect each other as full people.
8. Innovation and Risk-taking - We are open to new ideas and are willing to test them. We believe innovation comes from taking risks and venturing into the unknown.
9. Future-oriented and Long-term thinkers - We believe in creating a future that’s generative, sustainable, and enriching.
10. Be biased towards action over discussion
11. Political and Religious Neutrality- These are charged subjects and want our community to be a safe space. As such we ask community members not talk about political or religious issues.
Community Values
1. Decentralize our community
a. Decentralization of power and wealth
2. Coordination and cooperation
3. Align its stakeholders through common interests.
a. Generate a coherent social consensus, or in game theoretic terms, a “Schelling point” around which people will naturally act. Consensus can quickly become self-enforcing. The first part of this is agreeing on the mission, principles of the Akorn DAO, and also on our objectives.
4. We are committed to creating and experimenting with all approaches
5. Community Empowerment - We believe that “community” is a valuable resource in making decisions that will push the space forward. We help and support each other to achieve success
6. Community Outreach to Bring Others into Our Community and Enable them to Have Skin in the Game
7. Aligning Incentives and Funding for the Benefit of Akorn DAO Collectively
8. Decision making into the hands of the collective. We create legitimacy through an environment where the best ideas win.
Akorn Values
1. Reward action and embrace risk. We empower our community to continually drive new initiatives by providing a space to self-organize and quickly move from idea to action
2. Value those who have skin in the game
3. Providing Lasting Solutions to Complex Problems
4. A Learning Mindset - We have a hunger to learn. We learn from our mistakes and our successes. We believe that there is always room to grow and improve.
5. Transparency: We operate transparently and build trust through radically public discourse and financial auditability.
6. Resource Efficiency - We are good stewards of our resources and aim to allocate these resources in ways that are both efficient and expansive.
7. Value Creation - We create value not only for our community but for the whole world.
8. To increase the value of Akorn and its Community
Last updated
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