Entity Information

Following is information that the entity can update to create their unique profile. We recommend writing an individual article on each of the different sections below (within reason), publishing it and then linking that to your profile.


Entity Name: Name of entity or individual implementing the regenerative action

Entity Online Presence: Any external links showing evidence of the entity

Entity Members: Names of members and social links of those responsible for carrying out the regenerative action

Signer Responsible for Carrying Out the Regenerative Action: The name and signature of the person holding themself/ the entity responsible for carrying out the regenerative action

Where is the Entity Established: which location the entity operates.

Bank Account Information: Bank number and routing information; used to transfer fiat funds to you from crowdfunding and related activities.

Proposed Action Location: Demarcation of the action location

Regenerative Action Type: Forest, Agriculture, Ocean, Other

Metric of Action: The measurable quantity of action (ie. 100 trees planted)

Scale of Action: How much of the action in total can the entity do, after initial project is funded.

Amount of Action For Initial Project: How much of the action will be incorporated into the first proposed project.

Cost of Action Per Metric: The cost to the entity to implement the regenerative action.

Cost of Maintenance of Action Per Metric: The yearly cost to maintain the regenerative action. This will be paid for as long as the benefits from the regenerative action are taking place.

Updates from the Field: How often the project communicates with the funders about how the action is going.

Regenerative Action Title: The title for the crowdfunding campaign.

Regenerative action description: a text description of what the project is

Complementary photos/ videos: photos that add to the regenerative action description

Timeline for implementing action: when the entity thinks the action can be done by after receiving funding (planting season and it's affect on the action)

Proposed Measurement and Verification: How you will measure and verify that the action has taken place.

Art to Be Used for Profile Creation: Entities can either pick their own artists that they want to support and create the NFTs with or they can select from art that Akorn has commissioned from the marketplace's top artists.


Historic action description: the proof of the work the entity has done to date and why the entity would be successful in implementing the regenerative action if funded.

Historic photos/ videos: photos showing evidence of previous work

General context (country, regional, local): how the regenerative project affects and is affected by the the country, regional and local context (political, social, economic etc.)

Heritage: how the action the entity is implementing promotes, documents and preserves cultural, environmental, and social practices for future generations knowledge

Social Economy: How the project the entity is implementing places social welfare above profit; the aim is to enhance the community's quality of life, economically, socially, culturally and environmentally.

Local Communities Involvement: how this project will involve the local community and engage them to become stakeholders in the project

Indigenous Tribes Involvement: how this project will involve indigenous tribes and engage them to become stakeholders in the project.

Public Involvement: how anyone, anywhere can become engaged and further support the action the entity is implementing. Links on how to visit the site where the action takes place and tourism infrastructure in place. If they accept student internships or volunteers.

Social Belonging: How the project promotes social belonging for marginalized groups to become stakeholders in the project.

Education and Awareness Impacts: How this project will cultivate education and awareness for anyone to become a stakeholder.

Certifications and Awards: Any certifications that the entity/ project might hold (such as organic; managed without the use of agrochemicals or herbicides). Project management excellence and its various contributions are recognized by received awards.

Certified environmental offset offset: The project generates carbon offsets certified by a highly recognized voluntary offset standard.

Expert collaboration: How the entity is collaborating with other entities that are implementing organizations in Akorn and evidence of it.

Prevention of Losing Ecosystems: How this entity is preventing the loss of ecosystems.

Water Resources Management: How the entity uses water supplies sustainably.

Equality Improvements: How the project aims to improve equity between gender, racial, sexual, economically (ie. improving the lives of poor people) etc.

Food Security: How this project enables food security for the population impacted by the regenerative action.

Land Ownership Type: Private, Public, Tribal, combination of above or other

Description of Land Ownership: How the land is controlled and how the regenerative action will be integrated with it.

Fauna and Flora Conservation: Any particular species protection as a part of action, such as creation of safe habitats.

Scientific Research: Any research that will be benefited from this action and what the research is.

Expected Benefits from the Action: Such as improving water quality and quantity and contributing to the reduction of water-related risks such as floods. Reduces exposure and vulnerability to extreme weather events. The project combats desertification in this way.

Last updated