Web Interfaces

General Community

When community members come to the platform (central website) they are, first asked their language of choice then asked to connect their cryptocurrency wallet. If they do not have a cryptocurrency wallet, they are notified as to the disadvantages of interacting with the platform (no NFT layers from funding, not able to receive fiat funding back). Once they accept the disadvantages of interacting with the platform without a cryptocurrency wallet or have connected their cryptocurrency wallet, they are directed to a landing page. Every page of the platform is kept super simple so to maximize accessibility.

Landing Page

The landing page is the primary market for new crowdfunding campaigns on our platform. Each new campaign is shown, the amount of action that the campaign supports and the total amount of funding needed to be reached.

On the landing page cookies and or trackers notification will be displayed as well as terms of use contract. This notification needs to be accepted or modified before the community member is allowed to proceed further. This allows us to create dynamic algorithms to curate content to community members based upon their location and other characteristics.

Verified Entities Page

Once the entity has had their first crowdfunded action measured and verified to be completed, they are able to have a section on the verified entities page. This page allows anyone to select from verified entities the amount of action they want to support, what specific project they would like to support, and choose the NFT they would like to have layered on.

Organizational Page

Each organization will have an organizational page that will have their current active crowdfunding campaigns as well as NFT's that involve their actions, even if the organization is not the holder of that NFT. This page will show the floor price for the NFTs and how much on average their NFTs are going for. Along with this it will show links to other social channels and entity information.

Environmental Offsets

Entities of all types are encouraged to offset their environmental impact. We will work with existing companies that calculate environmental impact to offer our environmental offsets to their customers (such an entity is Return Protocol) and develop our own algorithms to calculate environmental impact. When the entity offsets their environmental impact tokens are bought and burned that demonstrate the amount of environmental impact being offset. Burning the tokens creates a permanent record of the amount of environmental impact being offset.

Environmental impact offsets are expected to go beyond carbon offsets to things such as soil, water, other components of air, etc.

Last updated