
No Return for Supporting Public Good

DoinGud is one of the most prominent examples of an NFT marketplace for public good. However, it does not have a token system or reward creators for donating part of what they earn to public good.

When financially supporting public good, the current standard is to receive a receipt of donation. This receipt does not provide a return on the money just sent in support of the public good.

Decline in NFT Value

In most NFT marketplaces an NFT is only able to be traded when another person wants it. If no one wants that NFT then it is held until a time in the future when someone does, collapsing in price over time with little to no demand.

Wash Trading for Tokens

NFT marketplaces that distribute tokens for buying and selling of NFTs have been able to take a large percentage of Opensea’s market share 1 (X2Y2, and Looksrare; both on Github). However, wash trading of NFTs to get tokens has become a problem in these marketplaces.

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