Forking Benefits

Forking the Marketplace

The intention for allowing people to be able to fork the marketplace is so that they are able to help in the recruitment efforts of artists and further support public good projects. The NFTs in their marketplace will continue to be minted with our technology and a loyalty fee would be embedded in the code to further support collective development. When NFTs are minted with our technology, their contracts are engrained with code that allows for unbroken royalty transfer across marketplaces and chains.

Forking the DAO tools

In order to create our community we needed to implement a large number of tools (Discord server and the tools in them as a point (SourceCred, bots, etc.)). Other people will want to set up their own communities. We will have written instructions on how to fork the tools we use to support other DAOs. If the entity setting up the DAO needs more help beyond that, they are able to submit a request for help. If the DAO decides that it is worth their time to help with setup then they will agree to help setup the DAO. By allowing the forking and assisting the entity in the forking, there will be more DAOs we can interact with and that might aid in collaborative work.

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