NFT Detail

A detailed view of an individual NFT.

NFT Information

This page will have detailed information about each of the NFTs such as Name, Image, Properties (category, name, rarity), Public Goods Recipient (If the public goods recipient is undefined or invalid, this displays to non-owners as Giveth. To owners, a badge is displayed which indicates the recipient address needs to be updated), Contract Address, Token ID, Token Standard, Current Price/Most Recent Price, Collection Name, Collection Avatar, Collection Description, and Deployer Address.

Owner of NFT

The NFT List/De-list button

For ERC1155 token standard NFTs

All current listings of the NFT will display, regardless of owner. If owner you can list or de/list. If not the owner you can buy.

Unsolicited offers

Any unsolicited offers made on this NFT will be shown. If any of these offers belong to the user, there is a button on those to cancel the offer. If the user owns this NFT, there is a button to accept each offer.

Last updated