Revenue Sources

This dMRV system will be created bottom up from individuals and software, these individuals are who we aim to get rewarded through this software system. The flow of this system is planned to be as follows. An entity pays for collection of data, entities affiliated with this dMRV system collect the data using techniques that are part of this system. The data goes to decentralized storage which is paid for, then the entity that pays for the data is able to access it. The data is interpreted via methodologies either that the entity has proprietary control over or that is open source and part of the dMRV system. If the method is open source, a donation is channeled to the creators of the method for its use. The collected data is also marketed in a data marketplace, when people use the data they pay for the use of it. This payment goes towards both the marketplace and the data creator. Cross Organizational Support Behind all of this are people. These people have formed their own decentralized organizations specializing in different aspects of the dMRV system. There are organizations specializing in data collection, analysis and domain experts. The organizations participating in the dMRV will continue to expand as the system builds continued support.

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