Data Quality

Checking from Different Sources: dMeter uses information from lots of different places, like gadgets (IOT Devices), pictures from space, and reports from you and your friends. It then checks if all this information matches up. For example, if a satellite picture shows some trees missing, dMeter checks if you or your friends reported that too. This way, it knows the information is right because it was confirmed in different ways.

Smart Computers Helping Out: dMeter uses very smart computers that can look at all the data and find patterns, like how the plants usually grow or if something strange is happening. These computers can spot anything that doesn’t look right and make sure it gets checked out. This helps keep the data accurate and helps you understand what’s really happening on earth.

Always Up-to-Date: dMeter collects and checks data all the time, so you always have the latest information. This is super helpful if something changes quickly, like if a storm hits your local area. With up-to-date information, you and your friends can take action right away to protect the what is important.


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